Website creation and final project ideas

21st June 2023

Website technology

This site was created with the help of a static site generator: Jekyll. Static site generators are really useful when content looks similar, which is exactly the case of a blog. That is why I decided to use Jekyll for this project.

To style the site, I'm using TailwindCSS, which a css framework that is extremely useful for rapidly building a good-looking website. It works pretty much like a modern version of bootstrap.

I think that the most interesting development choice of this project is using Github Actions to compile and deploy the website. I had never used Github Actions, but there are many useful ressources online to learn how to use them. This Github feature allows you to quickly setupt actions to do things such as, in this case, automate the Jekyll build of my website. You'll find bellow a picture of what an "action" looks like.

Screenshot of a Github Action

Final Project Idea #1

My first idea for the final project is to design a thrust vector control (TVC) mount for model rockets. TVC allows rockets to change the direction of its thrust, and therefore its flight trajectory.

3D model of a TVC mount made by

To achieve a successfull project, I would need to succesfully develop a gimbal capable of holding a model rocket thruster, and a flight computer capable of detecting the orientation of the rocket (and therefore corret the trajectory).

Final Project Idea #2

My second final project idea is to design and build a 3D printed RC car. This project would require a lot of material testing (to make sure the different parts of the car are strong enough to sustain high speeds), and a lot of research to find the right components. That is I'm more inclined to pursue my first idea, which would only require simple components (such as servos).

Example of a 3d printed car made by Engineering Nonsense